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Showing posts from May 26, 2013

The Bard's Tale - Viking Lord Hrafn

Fantasy art from The Bard's Tale fantasy role playing game. This is a cutscene with the viking lord Hrafn. The first half of this mocks the fantasy role-playing cliché of suddenly animating skeletal remains into an undead treasure guardian. Further conversation with Hrafn leads to a "competition" where The Bard and Hrafn compete for draugr (undead viking) kills in the nearby catacombs. In fact this is not a competition at all--once Hrafn receives a certain number of kills, regardless of how many the Bard obtains, he ascends to Valhalla and gives the Bard a key to progress further in the game. Incidentally, the valkyrie's pose (to enhance her bust?) is quite curious.

The Bard's Tale - Boss - Herne

Fantasy art from The Bard's Tale fantasy role playing game. These cutscenes are of the boss creature Herne that the Bard must defeat in the Forest Tower. At the tower, there is a very brief scene where Herne declares he will face the Bard at the top of the tower, if he manages to survive the foliage of the tower itself. At that point, the Bard expresses his frustration at the unnecessary drama, correctly pointing out that Herne was right there and they could have just cut to the chase and fought immediately.

Titan Quest - Armor of the Immortal Guard, Babylonian Raiment

Fantasy game art from Titan Quest . An art book, The Art of Titan Quest , is also available. Gear displayed: Mixed pieces from the Armor of the Immortal Guard set and the Babylonian Raiment set (Apple Bearer's Cap, Apple Bearer's Mail, Apple Bearer's Bracers, Apple Bearer's Greaves, Apple Bearer's Spear, Babylonian Shield). The identical pieces shared by these two sets is understandable as "Apple Bearer" is a term sometimes used for the elite Persian Immortals described by Herodotus (7,41) to have golden apples for counterweights on their spears.

The Bard's Tale - Haggis in Stromness

Fantasy art from The Bard's Tale fantasy role playing game. These cutscenes are related to the appearance of a haggis monster. In order to reach the Firbolg mines, the Bard must pass through Stromness. To be shown the way, he needed to help the crazy farmer, one of the last living persons in cursed Stromness.

The Bard's Tale - First Quest

Fantasy art from The Bard's Tale fantasy role playing game. These scenes are from the very start of the game, when the Bard first enters Houton's bar and receives his first task. As this is the "tutorial" phase of the game, it is heavily scripted. The careful camera direction is an excellent way to show rather than tell us where the Bard's mind is.