Get Dragon Age Origins Ultimate Edition DRM-free and with no-risk Money Back Guarantee from Good Old Games . Fantasy game art from Dragon Age: Origins Ultimate Edition (Dragon Age: Origins, the Awakening expansion, and all official Downloadable Content). Armor in this class include: Dwarven Massive Armor, Armor of the Legion (of the Dead), Blood Dragon Plate. The Blood Dragon set is available through the Blood Dragon Armor DLC or Dragon Age Ultimate Edition . The registration code for Dragon Age: Origins also makes a futuristic version of this armor available in Mass Effect 2 . Changes in material (and thus colour scheme) have a more marked effect on armor, simply because it occupies more visual space; we therefore present Tiers 1 to 8 where material significantly changes colour. Some armor sets do not have a piece for every location (usually the helmet is omitted); when a non-set piece was added, this is explicitly mentioned in the picture label / name. Many armor piec...
This is an archive of video game artwork, which may include screenshots, videos, concept art, and wallpapers.