Get Dragon Age Origins Ultimate Edition DRM-free and with no-risk Money Back Guarantee from Good Old Games . Fantasy game art from Dragon Age: Origins Ultimate Edition (Dragon Age: Origins, the Awakening expansion, and all official Downloadable Content). The Fade is the dreamworld where living emotions wander. There are several self-contained places in The Fade that are visited during the Dragon Age: Origins story, all of which have in the common a visual distortion and predominantly yellowish brown colour. Lost in Dreams is a dreamworld into which the Warden and their companions are forced by a Sloth Demon while clearing the Circle Tower of Abominations . It is several dreamscapes linked together in a web-like pattern with the Sloth Demon at the core. ("Weisshaupt" translates from German to "all white" in English).
This is an archive of video game artwork, which may include screenshots, videos, concept art, and wallpapers.