Get Dragon Age Origins Ultimate Edition DRM-free and with no-risk Money Back Guarantee from Good Old Games . Fantasy game art from Dragon Age: Origins Ultimate Edition (Dragon Age: Origins, the Awakening expansion, and all official Downloadable Content). There are very few models, and the various types of weapons are typically recoloured versions of each model. The colour scheme is based on the material of its construction and typically there are two colours that are changed. We present the basic models and their recoloured variants, up to Tier 8 which does not properly exist in Dragon Age: Origins, but which does have a colour scheme that is very similar to Tier 8 in Dragon Age: Origins: Awakening. The Awakening expansion adds material tiers 8 and 9, and a few new equipment models. Because of the little new content, we have put them together with the Origins items. Some Origins armor does not import into the Awakening expansion, so some tier 8 and tier 9 images are not ...
This is an archive of video game artwork, which may include screenshots, videos, concept art, and wallpapers.