Fantasy game art from Dungeon Siege II . Valdis was once a Human Prince of the Northern Reaches. Exiled for his brutality, he wandered through the desert known as the Plain of Tears and became ill. Through his feverish dreams, he was led to Zaramoth's Horns where the Dark Wizards nurtured him and bestowed upon him Zaramoth's Sword. He has convinced himself that he is Zaramoth reincarnated, and he must fulfill a destiny that was interrupted on the Plain of Tears. Valdis' worldview is very mystical. He sees signs and deeper meaning in all things. For him, there are no coincidences or accidents in his world. He is an angry man who wants to subjugate the world to his rule. He is prone to fits of rage, and no slight, however small, goes unpunished. He is a master at holding a grudge, and finds ways to punish his enemies. Ironically, his arrogant, domineering personality makes it easy for another person to manipulate ...