Fantasy game art from Heroes of Might and Magic V . Play Heroes of Might and Magic V risk-free with money-back guarantee from Good Old Games. Aglan The way to Aglan goes via a long and narrow hollow, when an enemy passes through it the wrath of the forest fills their minds and weighs their steps. All but the most stouthearted are affected by the spell, and at journey's end they are easier prey for Aglan's defenders. Altyr In the middle of the Elven forests rises Altyr - the eternal mountain. At its foot lies a town whose main function is to supply ore to make weapons. Despite the town's importance, Elves tacitly agree that making that sort of a living is, in effect, an exile. Anfail There's a boulder standing in Anfail's town square, in fact, the town was re-built around it after the War of the Blood Moon. The boulder fell from the sky during a siege, crushing a Demon general and his bodyguard and sending the invaders back in disarray. Ev...