Fantasy game art from Tradewinds Odyssey . As in Tradewinds 2 and Tradewinds Legends , Odyssey has a random character portrait generator for both characters encountered in-game and "open play" (no-story gameplay) characters (for which the generator can also make a name by putting together name elements from a database). The character portrait generator works by starting with the basic variables of Gender, Nationality, and Body Type. Different combinations of these have different access to additional Features--Dress, Lips, Hair, Eyes, Nose, Beard, Decoration. This modularity technically allows greater variety, but because most of the variables are in Features, there is a noticeable same-ness to the characters after a while--the same effect we saw in Tradewinds 2 and Tradewinds Legends . The portraits presented above are a random selection of what is possible through the custom character generator. Within each combination of Sex and Nation, there ar...
This is an archive of video game artwork, which may include screenshots, videos, concept art, and wallpapers.